Quick mode

Quick mode is enabled with the --quick flag and tells criterion to stop benchmarks early once the significance level is below a certail value (default 5%, see the --significance-level flag).

Quick mode in criterion works exactly like tasty-bench which has a wealth of details: https://github.com/Bodigrim/tasty-bench

Statistical model

  1. Set n ← 1.
  2. Measure execution time tₙ of n iterations and execution time t₂ₙ of 2n iterations.
  3. Find t which minimizes deviation of (nt, 2nt) from (tₙ, t₂ₙ), namely t ← (tₙ + 2t₂ₙ) / 5n.
  4. If deviation is small enough (see --significance-level) or time has run out (see --measurement-time), return t as a mean execution time.
  5. Otherwise set n ← 2n and jump back to Step 2.


Statistics is a tricky matter, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. In the absence of a good theory simplistic approaches are as (un)sound as obscure ones. Those who seek statistical soundness should rather collect raw data and process it themselves using a proper statistical toolbox. Data reported by criterion in quick mode is only of indicative and comparative significance.